On Demand Seminar
Total: 1 CME Hour*
Cost: $55.00
This one-hour course is designed for Rule 31 Listed Mediators to gain an understanding of the mandates set forth in Rule 31 that establish ethical boundaries and how to apply them. Specifically, each attendee will learn what a mediator must know about the guides (standards and principles), what the mediator must do (specific requirements), and what the mediator must not do (specific prohibitions). The mediator who understands these boundaries will become more competent and confident in the work of settling disputes and in ensuring a “quality process.”
This is an on demand course
Registrants will receive a confirmation email that will contain a link to the course as well as a link to the handout material. When you complete the course, you will certify that you attended the entire 1-hour seminar. You will then receive a certificate of completion. You will be responsible for self-reporting your attendance to the AOC.
If you have any questions, please contact us at:
Stephen L. Shields
(901) 412-6970 or sshields@jsyc.com
* This course has been pre-approved for 1-hour of CME and may be applied as follows: 1-hour Mediation Ethics or 1-hour Continuing Mediation Education or 1-hour of General Continuing Education. See TN S. Ct. Rule 31, §15.
The deadline for meeting continuing mediation requirements is March 31, 2025. See TN S. Ct. Rulat §15 (a).

Mediation Ethics:
The Ethics Of Rule 31
This session is offered as
On Demand Course
through Zoom
For more information about the training course Email Stephen L. Shields (sshields@jsyc.com)
Training Location:
Link will be sent via email upon registration
Mediation Ethics On Demand Course
Registration Form
Registration fee $55.00
Payment by Check or Credit Card
You may register by Credit Card(Visa, Master Card, and Discover) use Sign Up link above.
Questions About The Training
Please feel free to email us at:
Stephen L. Shields
sshields@jsyc.com or call at
(901) 412-6970